SciTE unofficial STAX service api

Download api file set
I recently have got a chace to use STAF - Software Testing Automation Framework / STAX service for my work. It's an open source application provides us a framework to do software automation testing (as written in the software name it self), such like to command to execute test case to client machine and then recieve the result. Meanwhile let's keep the description for more detail in another day (or lets see more helpful site).
Getting start to use the application, I faced very few problem than I expected. STAF had very detail and compliant documents so even I cud understand the basic thing in short time. However the problem was litte thorny to me. Thorny means, due to the software is not very major, none text editor is supporting the language. I'm using to use a text editor that provides keyword high light, full auto-completion, and such like useful functions. But now, none of these functionality can be used. (fortunate basically it was xml format, so I could use little little help even though I couldn't be satisfied).
I searched internet some time however I couldnt find any helps for that. (Oh may be most of user is very nice to write xml source code, not like me!). But at same time I thought this can be arranged by myself by costomizing a text editor "SciTE" which I'm using usually. 'Cause you know, the automation script language "AutoIt" is using SciTE as default text editor and it has been fully costomized for that particular language, including auto-completion function.
Ok lets skip the process how I did the arrangement, that's just bore and anyway in finally I've successfully done it for STAX.


Note: This installation will AFFECT existence XML editing functionality of SciTE!! If you are using to use SciTE as XML editor, you should not apply this module.
1. Download SciTE and install/extract.
2. Download STAX apiset and extract it into SciTE installation directory(Same directory with SciTE.exe file).
3. Open "" file in SciTE installation directory and add below in bottom of the file.

# Standard LUA Functions
# Autocomplete and call tip settings

4. Restart SciTE if it is running.
Now you can try to type STAX script. Open any blank xml file. Then make stax tag.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
<!DOCTYPE stax SYSTEM "stax.dtd">


Within this STAX tag, you can use AutoCompletion. Type "<" char. You will find popup to select STAX specific tag! I should be working nicely :)

  • This script directly affect existence XML editing functionality of SciTE.
  • User defined function/variable will not be popup.
  • Tips are not displaying due to I do not know how can I modify make display tips other than typing "(" character.
  • Python script within